Painting with Encaustic medium is a process of fusing wax brushstrokes with  flame to create one cohesive piece of art. Like the "brushstrokes" of our minds, comprised of our experiences and thoughts, the neurotransmitters in our brains that fire together, wire together to create a feeling about that experience. Art enhances brain function by having an effect on your emotions and nervous system by raising your dopamine and serotonin levels. For me marrying music and painting is very therapeutic. Like journaling, painting allows me to process what weighs heavy on my heart. And as for the viewer, admirer and collector of art, when you connect or even just look at a painting that you find is beautiful,  blood flow to your brain increases, which is equivalent to gazing at a loved one, resulting in a "pleasure response". So, next time you look at a piece of art that you love, remember that your whole body is benefiting from that simple experience
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